Sister Kathleen Fox
Chair of Trustees
I have been a Daughter of Charity for almost 50 years and 20 of these years have been spent in St Joseph’s Service in various roles. I did my first Nurse Training in Learning Disabilities at St. Josephs’ School of Nursing and followed on with General Training in the Western General in Edinburgh. I fulfilled many roles in St Joseph’s and l can say with all honesty that l made lasting and life- long friends with staff and residents. It gives me great joy now to recognise and be recognised (wrinkles and all) by old friends on my return for Trustee meetings. I have gone on to other ministries with the Community but would always consider St Joseph’s as my first real home in community, and it continues to make a deep impression on my life.
Dignity, respect, inclusion, choice are the hallmarks of St Joseph’s Service and they truly live their values. The service has progressed over the years and will continue to progress because of the willingness of all to listen. The Advisors attend the Trustee meetings and shape the service planning by their wise interventions. I was honoured to be a part of St Joseph’s Service as a Trustee; I carry some of St. Joseph’s history but l hope to continue to be part of its future for a few years yet.
Bill Duffy
I have been involved with St. Joseph’s Services and the Daughters of Charity as an adviser for a number of years. Following the incorporation of St. Joseph’s Services as an independent charity in 2015 and my retiral from legal practice I was appointed a trustee.
I had previously been a partner in a legal firm in Glasgow where my area of practice was commercial property law. I also however had an interest in compliance and regulation having served as both cash room partner and client relations within the partnership.
During my time at St. Joseph’s what has impressed me most is the very warm family atmosphere which always greets you on arrival and the care and commitment shown by all the Service team to the people we serve. I find this truly uplifting and it is this atmosphere, I think, which inspires the trustee body to lead and support all the Service staff in living out their Vincentian values.
Donald Preston
I was delighted to be accepted on to St. Joseph’s Services Board of Trustees in November 2020.
My background has been in social work, social care, commissioning, regulation and am currently working as an individual advocate.
The experience I have gained has included managing and developing service for people with learning disabilities.which covered residential, respite and day services in both local authorities and the voluntary sector.
I worked for the Care Inspectorate and regulated care homes, care at home and support services for different client groups against the National Care Standards / Quality Framework. This included being the inspector for St. Joseph’s from 2004 until 2018 during which I got to know many of the people being supported,, lots of staff and managers, visit peoples homes, came to special occasions and gained a real insight into the high standards aspired to by the organisation.
Throughout my career I have gained a good insight into what is good practice and operational issues of care services. This has included a strong commitment to involving people who are being supported. This was one of key aspects along with their sound values that drew me to getting involved with St. Joseph’s as a Trustee.
James Clydesdale
Following many years involvement with St Joseph’s Services in a professional capacity James joined the Board of Trustees in 2015 when St Joseph’s became an independent charity. A Professional member & past Scottish Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Building James has been principle within his own firm since 1974 which specialises in the architectural design, construction management and building surveying of properties. Projects that James and his firm have been involved in have taken him all across the UK and have received recognition and awards for their design. As well as bringing a wealth of property knowledge and expertise to the board of Trustees of St Joseph’s Services James has significant governance experience – having sat on numerous boards over the years. A founding trustee of St Joseph’s Homes James currently sits as chair and was instrumental in the purchase of their first properties. When not working James loves to spend time with his family or pursue his hobbies which include football, skiing, sailing, DIY and reading.
Robin Barnett
I joined in January 2020. My background is as an accountant in business mainly in industry. Having worked as a senior management member, I have skills in organisation and managing money. At St Joseph’s, I like the fact everybody matters right though the organisation and it affects everybody. It is important to me that everyone is involved in what the organisation does.
Stephen Martin
Short Biographical statement: I have been a Trustee for coming up 3 years having been introduced by one of my fellow Trustees, Bill Duffy. I currently run an investment management business in Glasgow called Brewin Dolphin and I am a Senior Investment Manager, having been involved in the fund management industry for over 30 years.
I hopefully bring my experiences of running a division of a quoted company and all the deliberations and organisational skills and experiences that this entails.
St Josephs is a fabulous organisation with very strong core values and rich history. The interaction between the Board of Advisors and the Trustees is an excellent vehicle for ensuring the service remains relevant for the services St Joseph’s provide and I enjoy listening to their input.
Sister Maria Robb
I was born and grew up in Dundee and after qualifying as a teacher I taught for two years in Arbroath before entering the Daughters of Charity.
As a Daughter of Charity I’ve moved around quite a lot, but most of my time has been spent teaching deaf children, firstly in St John’s School for he Deaf in Boston Spa Yorkshire and then in Scotland where I set up a Catechetical Service for Deaf Children.
I spent a few weeks in St Joseph’s when I was a Seminary Sister, but when I came to work with the deaf children in Scotland I worked with Frank Quinn on some Person-centred planning with a few of the service users.
We had a great time!
After that, while I was on the Daughters of Charity Leadership Team, I was as Board Member at St Joseph’s.
Now I am living and Glasgow and I’m delighted to be back supporting St Joseph’s as a Trustee.
I love the sense of community that is generated in St Joseph’s, a community where everyone has a part to play no matter who they are or what their role is. I hope I too can offer something to the community of St Joseph’s, but I suspect I’ll get more from them than I’ll ever be able to offer.