St Joseph’s Services Board of Advisors looking to recruit new members
The Board of Advisors at the Trustee meeting on the 31st March 2022 announced to the Trustees of St Joseph’s Services their plan to grow and expand the membership of the advisory board.
The board of advisors are an integral part of the structure of St Joseph’s Services – the members of the board are people St Joseph’s support, the Board of Advisors attend every Trustee meeting and ensure that the voice of the people we support are heard at all times across the organisation.
Reflecting on the important role the Board of Advisors have within St Joseph’s a member of the board stated
“Everyone should have a voice and if someone can’t speak for themselves other people should speak up for them.”
As we emerge from the pandemic the voices of the people we support are crucial in ensuring their service is being developed and delivered in the way they would like. St Joseph’s Services belongs to the people they support and it is vital that everyone has a say.
The Board of Advisors meet monthly to discuss what’s important at the moment and to feedback on the organisation as well as to review and develop St Joseph’s Easy Read policies and documents.
Every person St Joseph’s supports will receive a personalised easy read letter inviting them to come and find out more about the role of the board of advisors and to join a meeting to see if they would like to become a member of the board.
Colette Clark Head of Services said:
As a supporter of the Board of Advisors (BOA) It has been fantastic to watch the BOA grow in confidence and develop many new skills. This has allowed them to actively participate in the Trustee Meeting external forums.
“The Board of Advisors ensure the voices of the people we support are heard. The Board of Advisors forum provides an opportunity to get involved within the organisation but also friendship and fun!”
If you are supported by St Joseph’s Services and you are interested in joining the Board of Advisors then please speak to you support worker or Colette Clark.
Meetings currently take place once a month on a Saturday morning – however, this is currently being reviewed to make sure it is at a day/ time that suits everyone.