Senior team

Rob Jahoda
Chief Executive Officer
Rob Jahoda is an experienced Third Sector leader and Chief Executive who is passionate about equal rights, opportunities and inclusion for people with learning disabilities. Rob has cross sector experience having worked in senior roles with people experiencing homelessness, learning disability services and housing. Rob’s original involvement with St Joseph’s Services began in 2012 as a member of the board of advisors and in 2015 Rob was invited to join the board of Trustees. Rob recused himself from the board to enable him to apply for the role of Chief Executive and was appointed to post in March 2016 – his dream job! When asked about St Joseph’s Rob says
‘St Joseph’s puts the people we support at the heart of everything that we do, we exist to ensure that everyone we support lives happy healthy and fulfilling lives as active members of the community. Within St Joseph’s the voices of the people who are supported by us are heard at all levels of the organisation and our model of inclusion ensures that the people have choice and control over their lives, services and support. We are lucky at St Joseph’s to have such a professional, committed and motivated workforce who live our Vincentian Values. I’m proud to be a part of St Joseph’s and to support our continued development and positive impact in people’s lives.’

Colette Clark
Head of Services
I have worked with St Joseph’s Services for 37 years. I joined the organisation in 1983 to start my nurse training. In 1986 I completed my nurse training at St Joseph’s Hospital and worked there until the hospital closed in 1999. I was involved supporting people to move from hospital living to their own homes with the community. It was wonderful to see the people we support embrace this change and the opportunities it provided.
After the closure of the hospital I developed skills and knowledge more aligned to a social model of support but my nursing experience has been invaluable.
I have experience in managing and developing services for people with learning disabilities using the quality framework.
I have a great interest in learning and development as I believe having a skilled confident workforce adds great value to the quality of care and support.
I believe the people we support should be involved in the organisation and contribute to its development and direction.
The involvement of the people we support in the organisation is important to me as this has helped shaped our direction and helped us to focus on what is important to people receiving a service.
I am inspired by the confidence the people we support have shown in taking their responsibilities seriously and the way in which they hold the organisation to account if things are not as good as they could be.
It is important to me that the people we support live the life they choose and are supported to achieve positive outcomes

Mandy Barkhouse
Finance Manager
Having joined St Joseph’s Services in June 2022 Mandy has brought a wealth of financial knowledge and experience to St Joseph’s. Mandy’s background includes working for not for profit organisations as well as third sector and private sector experience. Mandy’s responsibilities include managing the finance team on a day to day basis as well as oversight of St Joseph’s Services and St Joseph’s Homes finances.

Carol Liddle
Practice Development Leader
I have worked with St Joseph’s Services for 35 years. I started off in the St Joseph’s hospital working a few hours on a Saturday and Sunday when my boys were young.
I then went onto work night duty for five years. In 1999 with the imminent closure of the hospital I moved to work in one of the houses set up in the local community supporting five adults with complex needs.
I completed an HEC in Health and Social care at Queen Margaret University College and became a senior carer. I then progressed to Service Manager and gained an SVQ4 in Health and Social care.
In 2010 I applied for my current role and was successful. I did a Leadership and Management award as part of the requirement for this role.
I feel I am dedicated to both the staff and people we support. I am able if required to provide support in the services and I know what it is like to face the daily challenges within the roles of support staff and Team Leaders.
I enjoy my job and nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing the people we support happy and enjoying the best lives they can. They are what the job is all about.

Marie Peacock
Practice Development Leader
I have over 12 years’ experience of working in learning disability services, progressing from initially volunteering in day services, to support work, advocacy work, community support leader and now, my current role within the senior management team. This experience of working in various roles has supported both my passion and understanding for working with people.
During my time at university, I undertook an honours degree in community education. This kick-started my interest in learning development and training. Within my role, I am responsible for both managing services and co-ordinating training for staff development. Having such a diverse role means that every day is different and I enjoy the challenge. I love working with people and within my role it gives me the opportunity to work with people we support, staff teams and external organisations/trainers.
I came back to St Joseph’s in 2018, I love working for an organisation that truly supports inclusion and puts the people we support at the centre of all we do. I am passionate about equality and supporting people with a learning disability to be valued and active members of society.

Sally Abbott
Quality Assurance Leader
I have been working for St Josephs’ for a year and a half now having joined the organisation as Quality Assurance Leader. I started out in my career as a support worker which I felt really fit with my background in Psychology and despite my intention to pursue a career in psychology I stayed within the social care sector progressing through levels of management and have finally found my niche in Quality management. The experience knowledge and skills I have I think will bring continued and ongoing improvements and most importantly real positive life experience and outcomes for the people we support.

Clare Thomson
Senior Administrator
I started with St Joseph’s Services in March 2018. I am a florist to trade and was self-employed for 19 years. I then spent 5 years in the hospitality industry specialising in luxurious venues and event management.
I absolutely love my new job as it brings me great joy and job satisfaction with a better work life balance.
I feel my smile and pro-active attitude helps the Administration department run effectively.